It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In comparison to the whole body, they never get old. You will read disease and all emotions from them, from happiness to despair. Therefore, if you want to know more about your personality and character, we invite you to do our test.
This test will tell something more about you and your inner rather than one based on the eyes.ย
All you have to do is to choose the one eye from the picture that best suits you, that “catches your eye” and we will tell you what this choice means and what it is telling about your nature.!
Eye number : light eyes
In the depths of your soul, you are an open person! Your choice means that you are characterized by optimism, naturalness and nice temperament. You are friendly to all people. You think that taking a risk by letting others get close to you is better than not to gain the knowledge and experience from variety friendships.
You never show your concerns and fears in public, because you believe that you are the only one who is dealing with your problems best. You like helping others. Your friends can count on you in any situation.
Eye number 2 : purple eyes
In the depths of your soul, you are a very hardworking person! You can perfectly plan every action and then do it completely as you imagined. If you do something you always give the best of yourself. As a person, you love to make a good impression. You enjoy when others appreciate your work and efforts. You like to be praised for dedication and commitment.
You think your actions can affect and even change not only your life but others as well.
Eye number 3 : hazel eyes
In the depths of your soul, something is constantly worrying you. You have a very strong personality and had a very turbulent past. And it never gives you peace. In your head, you are constantly processing old habits and problems. You look behind you instead of looking ahead.
Still, you are a person who will stand strong and will always rise after falling. Other people also will not see that something is troubling you. You really can hide your black thoughts before them.
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