
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Getting into a weight loss routine is an exciting time, especially when the weight starts to come off. You feel productive, proud and accomplished. But just when you think everything is going right, you may find yourself stagnant. You’re exercising and eating right, so why are you suddenly stuck in the same place?

If you can honestly say you’re sticking to proper methods of weight loss and not secretly sneaking candy bars every day, you’ll need to examine your daily habits to see if something seemingly helpful or innocent might be stalling your weight loss tactics.

Here are 13 of the things we tend to overlook when trying to lose weight that could be doing more harm than good when it comes to shredding off those extra pounds.

1_You’re replacing too many meals with smoothies

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Smoothies are a fast and easy way to pack in more nutrients, especially if you have to force yourself to eat your veggies. While making smoothies for some of your meals can be helpful, you should mix it up every other day.

Liquids are more quickly absorbed by your gut too which gives us a big sugar rush. Smoothies also don’t work to fill you up as long so you can fall victim to over-snacking. If you want your smoothie to work for you, fill it with more fiber and protein so it will satiate you.

2_Less is more with cooking oil

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

If you’re choosing olive oil for your cooking, it’s certainly a smart choice because it has the healthy fats our bodies need. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

There are about 120 calories in every tablespoon of oil, even heart-healthy olive oil.

So measure it out to keep from accidentally adding excessive calories to your meals. Whether you’re just pouring it in the pan or onto your salad, if you take a moment to measure things out, you’ll be shaving extra calories off your meals and may soon start seeing those results you were hoping to see.

3_You’re drinking diet soda

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Plenty of people are hooked on soda, and you might think that since you’ve swapped your favorite full-calorie soda for diet, that it’s a better choice. Sadly, if you want to make progress on your weight loss, you need to ditch the soda habit entirely. 

Studies have shown that diet soda is even worse than regular soda and may even make you more likely to gain weight. To your brain, there’s no difference between real sugar and the artificial stuff.

And that’s not all either. As research has shown our gut serves as a second brain, artificial sweeteners like those in your diet soda have alarmed scientists because of how they convert energy to fat and cause insulin resistance.

The bottom line is this: stop drinking your calories. As soon as you do, you’ll find the scales tipping in your favor.

4_Don’t use food as a reward

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

When you work hard in the gym, it’s a nice thought to treat yourself to foods you love. However, this is not the time to enjoy such treats.

When you run an extra lap just so you can have more of your favorite cheat foods, you’re only cheating yourself. Doing this daily adds extra calories in daily. So, sure, you’re burning calories but you’re just slapping them right back on.

That’s not to say you can’t ever indulge, but doing it daily is undoing all your efforts. Instead, you should set a goal like hitting 3 spin classes in one week, lifting weights on alternate days or keeping up a certain tempo for your daily hour-long run.

Keep a journal on to record your efforts and then reward yourself responsibly at the end of the week.

One special indulgence in a proper portion per week will not ruin your hard work, but the daily treats will.

And another thing – rewards don’t need to be edible. Why not treat yourself to a new workout outfit, a new tube of lipstick, or something else that makes you feel good? You deserve it!

5_Stop over-exercising

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Your body needs to rest after those vigorous workouts. That’s why you need to let it rest so muscles can recuperate. This is especially important when you’re using weights.

Experts agree that alternating muscle groups helps. You should never do your arms or legs 2 days in a row.

Target your muscle groups for your best results. On rest days, take it easy by doing something simple that still keeps you active. For example, a brisk walk, yoga or even a leisurely bike ride can all be good ways to keep moving without burning out your muscles.

_6_Don’t starve

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

There is a healthy balance for losing weight. When you don’t eat enough, that can cause as many problems as overeating.

Your metabolism slows down when you drop your calories below 1,200 a day because it’s trying to save energy. So, don’t starve yourself and don’t eat too much. Practice mindful eating and portion control.

Chew slowly and purposefully and when you feel 80% full, stop eating. This will help you to eat enough food to get the energy you need without eating too many calories.

Remember, even healthy food choices have calories too. Eating more than you need to even after you feel full will have adverse effects on your weight loss goals.

7_Challenge yourself in your workouts

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

It’s great to get in your cardio. Your body needs it to burn off calories. But doing the same thing every time can leave you stuck. Try out the elliptical machine some days.

Hop off and snag some weights. Do HIIT workouts that challenge your body and spirit.

By working these other things into your exercise routine, you shake things up and keep those muscles working for you even when they’re at rest which translates to more calories burned.

8_ Stay away from fat-free

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

For years, fat was touted as the enemy, but that’s not entirely true. Low-fat and fat-free options can be even worse for you because they contain added sugar or salt to make the flavor more palatable.

The key is choosing healthy fats because they fill you up and give your body the important nutrients it needs.

Things like avocados or fatty fish contain important omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory effects for the body, plus the help your good gut bacteria flourish.

9_Go to bed earlier

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Staying up late and then getting up early has big consequences for your waistline. Our bodies need sleep because things like hormones are all realigning and regulating as we rest.

The less sleep you get, the more likely you are to make bad decisions in regards to your food choices the next day. You’ll reach for that fatty comfort food instead of making a smart and healthy choice.

10_Reduce stress

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Stress is part of life. Sometimes, it can be good stress like excitement about getting married or starting a family.

Other times, it can be bad like when someone we love passes away, moving or divorce. Whatever stressors you have though, it’s important to deal with them in a healthy way or else they will spike your cortisol levels too.

Managing stress can be done in many ways. For some, exercise is a great way to make stress disappear. For others, spending time with friends or doing something relaxing for yourself is an ideal solution.

Finding healthy ways to deal with your stress will help you keep losing weight instead of getting stuck in the fat cycle.

What you don’t want to do is wind up using food to cope with your stresses. Emotional eating won’t solve your problems, will add to your weight gain and will make you feel worse in the long run.

11_Completely cutting carbs

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Some people are lured by fad diets that promise cutting certain foods from your diet will yield you results.

In the case of carbs, not eating them completely will only set you back. While it’s true you should eat good carbs from whole grains and that they shouldn’t be the bulk of what you consume, not consuming them at all can slow down your metabolism.

Your body needs carbs so balance it out with healthful ones. Eat them in the morning or mid-day so you have time to burn them off.

12_Mindless instead of mindful eating

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

When you eat your meals, are you busy checking social media on your phone, watching TV or even sitting at your desk? When you’re not fully paying attention to what you’re eating, even if it isn’t an unhealthy option, you’re not listening to your body’s cues for being full.

Before each meal, have a glass of water 10 minutes prior and then eat without distractions.

You’ll notice a big change in how full you feel and how sustained you are when you eat with purpose.

13_Leave numbers out of it

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

For women in particular, focusing too much on the scale or the inches can be demotivating. Instead, focus on the things you can control.

Besides, staring at the scale or yourself in the mirror isn’t going to make the weight disappear. Devote yourself to working out for 30 minutes or make sure you get your servings of vegetables for the day.

Focusing on the things that can make us healthier will have a positive impact on your weight loss. Try to see your weight loss in the clothes you wear. Do they look better? Do they feel like a better fit? That should be your yardstick for measuring your success in terms of weight loss.

One more thing about weight loss mistakes

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Losing weight and getting in better health is a big journey. It’s easy to get sidetracked but when you do, forgive yourself and get back on the right path to weight loss success.

Even if you binged when you went out to dinner with friends, don’t completely fall off the wagon. Let it go and make a conscious effort to step in the right direction for the next meal.

Make sure you don’t miss your workout. And make sure you remember to be proud of your accomplishments.

If you really want it, you’ll do what it takes to get there no matter what obstacles get in your way. You can do it!

weight loss plan for women

weight loss plan for women

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prevent weight loss