
I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

3_You’re drinking diet soda

I Keep Failing at Losing Weight

Plenty of people are hooked on soda, and you might think that since you’ve swapped your favorite full-calorie soda for diet, that it’s a better choice. Sadly, if you want to make progress on your weight loss, you need to ditch the soda habit entirely. Studies have shown that diet soda is even worse than regular soda and may even make you more likely to gain weight. To your brain, there’s no difference between real sugar and the artificial stuff.

And that’s not all either. As research has shown our gut serves as a second brain, artificial sweeteners like those in your diet soda have alarmed scientists because of how they convert energy to fat and cause insulin resistance. The bottom line is this: stop drinking your calories. As soon as you do, you’ll find the scales tipping in your favor.

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