Choose the correct answer and continue until you see your final result from the total number of correct answers
Question of
What does carrot contain and what is its role in your body
Vitamin C is good for skin and heart health
Vitamin A, which is excellent for the eye and regulates the intestines
Vitamin B is good for the chest and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Question of
What vitamins are in lemon and what is its role?
Proteins, minerals and iron are good for the brain
Iron and protein good for the heart and intestines
Vitamin C, which is excellent for the manufacture of collagen important for skin and bones
Question of
Meat contents and their role in the body
It contains vitamin B, which is excellent for improving mood and reducing depression
Iron and vitamins good for the kidneys
Vitamin E is good for bones and brain
Question of
Cottonseed foods and their role for the health of the body
Vitamin A is good for the intestines and eyes
Good vitamins and minerals for the scalp and brain
It contains iron and is excellent for immunity and enthusiasm
Question of
What are the vitamins of fish and what is their role in the body
Proteins, minerals and iron are good for the brain
Fish, Vitamin B12 , Vitamin A, Zinc, Omega-3, Strengthens bones, Strengthens memory, Concentration, Maintains a healthy heart..
Iron and protein good for the heart and intestines
Question of
Broccoli and its role
Proteins, minerals and iron are good for the brain
Vitamin E is good for bones and brain
Broccoli Vitamin G strengthens immunity and heart disease
Question of
the black Honey
Phosphorous and iron are good for the nervous and digestive system
Vitamin B is good for the chest and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Contains potassium, sodium, and magnesium Anemia treatment
Question of
Garlic contains
Proteins, minerals and iron are good for the brain
Vitamin B6 and C The role of killing bacteria in the body Scalp health
Iron and protein good for the heart and intestines
Question of
rice contains
Vitamin H Strengthen the immune system Source of energy, protein and muscle building
Phosphorous and iron are good for the nervous and digestive system
Vitamin A is good for the intestines and eyes
Question of
Potatoes contain
Iron and vitamins good for the kidneys
Good vitamins and minerals for the scalp and brain
Vitamins, minerals and fibers play a role in building and strengthening healthy bones
Question of
Artichoke contains
Iron and protein good for the heart and intestines
Vitamin E is good for bones and brain
Vitamin C protects against cancer and rids the liver of toxins
Question of
Green tea contains
Various minerals and vitamins strengthen teeth and protect against decay
Phosphorous and iron are good for the nervous and digestive system
Proteins, minerals and iron are good for the brain