4_Say No to Processed Food

While it can go against your taste buds, you need to be strict in forming this habit. Processed food usually contains high values of added fats, sugars and calories.
We all are aware of the fact that high consumption of sugar is harmful to health. Straightforwardly, sugar is “empty” calories, means it carries no essential nutrients, but yes, a large amount of energy.
So, when you eat processed food, you directly allow extra values of sugar, or its evil twin, High Fructose Corn Syrup, to enter your metabolism and devastate it. Not surprisingly, high sugar consumption is strongly related to some of the world’s leading killers including diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity.
What is gone, is gone. Regardless of how many diets you have taken with processed food in your past, if you want to lose weight now, you must exclude it now. Especially, say no to sugar when you prepare your coffee or green tea!
5_ Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are not only considered as healthy but also as the real weight-loss-friendly foods. They contain a high volume of water, nutrients, and fiber in them which usually produces low energy density.
It means you can freely eat large fiber servings without consuming high calories.
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